K Nearest Neighbors - Project

K Nearest Neighbors Project

I've been given a classified data set from a company(fake data again..). It has hidden the feature column names but has given the data and the target classes.
I'll try to use KNN to create a model that directly predicts a class for a new data point based off of the features.

Import Libraries

I'll import libraries that I need to use as always

Get the Data

Exploratory Data Analysis

Since this data is artificial, I'll just do a large pairplot with seaborn.

Standardize the Variables

Time to standardize the variables.

Train Test Split

Using KNN

Predictions and Evaluations

Choosing a K Value

after I saw accuracy is quite low, so I will pick a new K value.

Retrain with new K Value
  after I saw K value around 25-28 are quite okay, so I will pick K value at 27



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